Her most active blogs include:
Books in pre-press include:

The AiKi of Intimacy: The Martial Art of Marriage – Peaceable Ways to Halt Hostility, Ditch Defensiveness, Cure Conflict, and Enjoy Intimacy
The AiKi of Conversation: Interrupt Me, Please – Use Disruption to Improve Communication, Not Derail It

The AiKi of Attention: The 15 Love Languages That Heal Marriages
Workbook: The 15 Love Languages That Heal Marriages
The AiKi of the Brain: Mind Over Marriage – Twelve Counter-Intuitive Ideas That Make Intimacy Work
The AiKi of Boundaries: It's Not About You – Six Techniques for Setting Healthy, Kind, Unbreakable Relationship Limits
(Join The Relationship Institute to learn about release dates for these and other books in the AiKi series.)
Some of her other best-selling books include:
Homeschool Your Child for Free.
(Random House, Fall 2009)
Homeschooling Step-by-Step.
(Random House/Prima, Spring 2002)
J.K. Lasser's Invest Online, 2nd Ed.
(John Wiley and Sons, Fall 2000)
Homeschool Your Child for Free
(Prima, Summer 2000)
Mormons on the Internet, 2000-2001
(Prima, January 2000)
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Microsoft Excel 97 (Second Edition)
(Macmillan, July 1998)
JK Lasser's Invest Online
(Macmillan, December 1997)
Mormons on the Internet
(Prima, Fall 1997)
Boot Your Broker
(Macmillan, Summer 1997)
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Microsoft Excel 97
(Macmillan, Fall 1996)
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Excel for Windows 95
(Macmillan, Fall 1995)